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Chamber Visits Sherry’s Hope

The party continues! Today, we continued celebrating our 100th Anniversary with another stop on our quest to visiting 100 members. We had the honor of stopping by Sherry’s Hope. This incredible non profit tirelessly serves our neighbors battling cancer by providing support, resources and hope year-round. Sherry’s Hope is dedicated to sharing the hope of Christ, protecting the health of our community, and supporting those who are fighting cancer.

They even let us poke our heads in the green bow vault! Sherry’s Hope is known for its green bows, symbolizing hope — that our community fights with those who are fighting cancer!


  • Stephanie Hollis, Chamber Support Admin
  • Corrie Cluck, Sherry’s Hope Director of Operations
  • Alisa Burgess Eakes, Sherry’s Hope Patient Assistance Director
  • Kezney Paige Batey, Sherry’s Hope Marketing Director
  • Lyn Williams, Chamber Board Vice-Chair of Ambassador Program



Lebanon Wilson Chamber of Commerce, LebChamber100, Member Visits, Sherry's Hope

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