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e-NEWS Standards

The Lebanon Wilson Chamber e-ENEWS has evolved over the years to become the primary method the Chamber communicates with our membership base (on a weekly basis). It also gives our membership base an opportunity to professionally promote themselves to other members.

With the explosion of mobile devices over the last few years the e-NEWS has also gone thru format changes to ensure that the Chambers messages are well received (An estimated 80-85% of our membership base will read their first copy of the e-news on their mobile devices).  With these numbers our e-news is completely focused on the best possible mobile format for our readers. Our advertisers are also adapting to this new format and the results are better communication and advertising campaign success so we are all winners with this new technology!

Here is our new e-news format that our readers view first on their mobile devices.


The Lebanon Wilson Chamber Mobile e-NEWS
The Lebanon Wilson Chamber Mobile e-NEWS

Standard for our Advertisers:

To ensure that your ads are crisp, readable and action oriented (soliciting a click thru to your website) here are recommended sizes and formats:

Mobile Ad Sizes (Maximum)…

400 pixels in width by 300 pixels in height (and generally should be to that ratio):
(think business card size)

The acceptable formats for your mobile ads are:

  • JPG
  • PNG
  • TIF
  • GIF

NON Acceptable formats (due to the cost and time the Chamber has to spend making these ads mobile ready):

  • Word Documents (of any sort).
  • PDF or Word Flyers (8 1/2 * 11)
  • PowerPoint or other “non grahpic” formats

Final Recommendation – your e-NEWS Ads should lead to more complex detailed information on your website – the Chamber e-NEWS is NOT designed for complex information distribution due to the number of articles in each edition).

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