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Sports Council

Golf Tournament

Golf Tournament

Fishing Tournament

Fishing Tournament

Golf Tournament

Golf Tournament

The Mission of the Lebanon Wilson County Chamber of Commerce Sports Council is to attract, retain and promote all types of amateur and professional sporting events for the purpose of generating tourism, economic development, quality of life and positive media exposure for Lebanon and Wilson County.

The Wilson County Sports Council Division shall work with the recruitment and promotion of all sporting events in Wilson County.

  • The Vice-Chair shall serve as Chair of all Division meetings; they will appoint all sub-committees for projects and programs.
  • The Division will encourage volunteer participation to assist with sporting events and sport related activities.
  • The Vice-Chair will appoint sub-committees to promote and coordinate events throughout Wilson County.
  • This Division will host an annual academic banquet to recognize top student athletes from all Wilson County High Schools.
  • They will assist with the fundraising needs of the Chamber, including the Annual Cary Harbrecht Memorial Summer Scramble Golf Tournament and the Annual Two Rivers Ford Bass Fishing Tournament.
Phillip Vance

Phillip Vance, Division Vice Chairperson

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