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Tag: Taste of Wilson County

Chamber discusses Taste of Wilson County with Wilson County Schools

Chamber President & CEO Melanie Minter and Education Division Vice-Chair DeJeay Woods attended a Wilson County Schools administrative meeting to discuss the upcoming Taste of Wilson County.

Taste of Wilson County is not just about delicious food, but also a powerful way to support our local teachers. The proceeds of the event directly benefit the Wilson County Business & Education Coalition, a Division of The Lebanon Wilson County Chamber of Commerce. The Wilson County Business & Education Coalition uses these funds for the annual Teacher Grant Extra Mile Educator Program. These grants provide essential funding for classroom resources, projects, and professional development which help our local teachers continue their phenomenal work.

Taste of Wilson County will be held Thursday, Oct 24th on the Wilson Bank & Trust West Lawn. Tickets and vendor applications will be available for purchase soon. Make sure you follow the Chamber and Taste of Wilson County pages to be the first to hear about the event!

Thank you to Jeff Luttrell Wilson County Schools Director of Schools for allowing us to connect with the leaders of these schools.

Taste of Wilson County

Taste of Wilson County newsletter flyer       

              Taste of Wilson County is the premier education fundraiser presented by the Lebanon Wilson County Chamber of Commerce and the Wilson County Business & Education Coalition that benefits scholarships, Teacher Grants, Tennessee Scholars and the Wilson Books from Birth program.

Join us for a great evening to sample more than 40 vendors for a true taste of Wilson County, from food samples to local boutiques and more! Taste of Wilson County will be held on October 21st at 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the Wilson Bank & Trust West Lawn. As of 2021, Taste of Wilson County has given over 600 teacher grants, giving out more than $251,000.      

There will be a fun Battle of the Mascots dance off and annual Grill Off Challenge including, Pie Eating Contest, Kids Valley, LSSD & WCS art buses, displays and entertainment with Double Take Band.  Mac Griffin will be emceeing for the evening. Taste of Wilson County is an event for the whole family. The Kid Valley will include the balloon man, petting zoo, crafts and face painting with Imagine That Art Studio! Enjoy the annual Grill Off Challenge with dignitaries Wilson County Mayor Randal Hutto, City of Lebanon Mayor Rick Bell, Mt. Juliet Vice-Mayor James Maness, LSSD Director of Schools Scott Benson and Wilson County Schools Director Jeff Luttrell.

Returning to Taste of Wilson County for the third year is the Culinary Challenge with  Lebanon High School and Wilson Central High School culinary facing off with former Tennessee Titan Blaine Bishop, News Channel 5 Anchor Nick Beres, and community food enthusiast Brad Major deciding on the winner and school spirit award. Wilson County Schools Public information officer Bart Barker will emcee for the Culinary Challenge.

                Ticket prices are $25 for Adults (ages 12+), $8 for Children (ages 6-11), $15 for Teachers, Free for kids 5 and under. VIP Tickets are $35 and offer a seat in the VIP area as well as a private caterer, Premier Catering Aaron Hudlow and music featuring Lain Tomlinson. For more information, visit or call (615) 444-5503. Tickets are available at Wilson Bank & Trust offices, the Lebanon Wilson County Chamber of Commerce office, and online at Also, be sure to follow the event page “Taste of Wilson County” on Facebook!

                Taste of Wilson County Title Sponsor is Wilson Bank & Trust. Major Sponsors are Famous Footwear, Wilson County Chevrolet-Buick-GMC, Wilson County Hyundai, Performance Foodservice Nashville, VIP tent-Cumberland University, Grill Off Challenge-Farm Bureau Insurance-Wes Dugan, Culinary Challenge-TriStar Mt. Juliet ER and Kids Valley-Buckeye Drugs.

7th Annual Taste of Wilson County


Your Chamber supports education because we know that the foundation of our community starts with the education of our youth.

The Chamber Education Division and our Business & Education Coalition are proud to offer teachers and students a way to encourage continued education throughout Wilson County. The Chamber raises money at our annual Taste of Wilson County to give back to our education programs in Wilson County. Proceeds benefit our Teacher Grant Program, Books from Birth Program, Tennessee Scholars Program and other education scholarships.

The Teacher Grant Program was started by Ken Howell, Chamber Lifetime Member, in 1995. Teacher grants are offered by the Chamber Education Division to Wilson County teachers each year and awarded at an annual breakfast sponsored by Cumberland Real Estate G-team Jackie Gaither and Kevin Gaines. This year’s grant amount has been increased from $500 in previous years to $599 maximum per grant. The Education Vice Chair, Education Committee, Board of Directors and Chamber staff celebrate with the teacher and students when the items requested for the project have been purchased and unveiled to the classroom. Including 2015 teacher grants, the Education Division has awarded 433 grants totaling over $175,000. A special thank you to our Wilson County teachers who have participated and made a difference in our schools. The deadline for this year’s grant applications is Friday, September 18. Applications may be found at the following link.

Teacher Grant Application

Wilson Books from Birth is another program sponsored by the Lebanon Wilson County Chamber of Commerce. Under the direction of Peggy Simpson, all Wilson County children from birth to five years old are eligible to enroll. Each month, a free book is mailed to the child for the parent(s) to read to their child for the beginning of a successful education.

Each year the Lebanon Wilson County Chamber of Commerce graduates Wilson County students that have completed the requirements of the Tennessee Scholars Program. In 2015, 417 Wilson County students graduated from the program, and to-date, a total of 3,984 have received a diploma from the Chamber since 2005. The Tennessee Scholars program is a course of study that encourages students to take more demanding courses in high school. The curriculum provides an education that better prepares students to enter a technical school, a post-secondary educational institution, or the workplace.

The Lebanon Wilson County Chamber of Commerce offers a number of annual scholarships that are based on a select criteria. College education scholarships are awarded annually in the spring. The Chamber typically awards around $12,000 in scholarship money annually. 

SAVE THE DATE: Taste of Wilson County, OCTOBER 8, 2015

Join your Chamber for a great evening to celebrate education in Wilson County. Food vendors will be sharing their favorite food products, and marketplace vendors will have other items for purchase. There will also be face painting, inflatables, and a balloon artist available for children’s enjoyment.

Ticket pricing for the Taste of Wilson County is as follows:

Adult (age 12+): $20 in advance; $25 at event
Child (ages 6-11): $5 in advance; $10 at event
Children age 5 & Under: Free
VIP Ticket (includes seat in VIP tent): $30
VIP Table (seats 8): $250

Call the Chamber office today at 615-444-5503 to reserve your ticket!

Lebanon and Wilson County have fantastic foods to highlight, so come experience the taste in Downtown Lebanon from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. on October 8. We look forward to seeing you there and partnering with you to support education in Wilson County!


Marketplace and food vendor space is still available! Follow the link below:

Taste of Wilson County Vendor Application

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