Wilson County – The Place To Be!
Wilson County… The Place To Be Regional Campaign Kick-off Luncheon was held on May 11, 2010. Approximately 450 guest attended the event. A planning committee was formed to promote all the things – including your business – that make Wilson County great! A new slogan and new logo was introduced. Dr. Sharon Roberts and Mike Davis unveiled new school plans for Lebanon Special School District Middle School and a new Lebanon High School.
Master of Ceremonies Mac Griffin introduced Country Music singers Gretchen Wilson, Lorrie Morgan, Tracy Lawrence, Channel 2 weather person Lisa Patton and former Tennessee Titan Mike Jones. Each speaker talked about why they chose Wilson County to live and raise their family and how proud they are to have been a life long resident of Wilson County.
CoCo Jones sang the National Anthem, presentation of colors was presented by the Lebanon Jr. ROTC and the Pledge was led by representatives from the Watertown Cub Scout Pack 150, Boy Scout Troop 127, Explorer Post 237 and Venture Crew 226.
Window clings and committment forms are available at the Chamber office for anyone to sign. This form ask you to commit to promote in and through your business ” Wilson County The Place To Be”. Several committments were signed yesterday at the luncheon and all Wilson County citizens are asked to join the effort of a county-wide campaign telling everyone, we are proud to say “Wilson County is the Place to Be”.
To learn more about this new initiative please check out – www.wilsoncountytn.com