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2024 Ambassador Holiday Party

Last week, we hosted the Ambassador Holiday Party at the Chamber Office, celebrating the hard work and dedication of our amazing Ambassadors throughout 2024!

This exclusive group of volunteers supports the Chamber’s mission, their community and our many activities. As advocates for Chamber Member businesses, Ambassadors play a key role in delivering Ribbon Cutting photos and thank-you notes to new members. They also attend events like Business Before Hours, Business After Hours and Ribbon Cuttings. This year, the Ambassadors helped us celebrate 51 Ribbon Cuttings!

The evening was filled with networking, delicious food and desserts catered by our talented friends at Island Breeze Bistro and1821 Baking Co. We want to extend a special thank-you to Lyn Williams for chairing the Ambassador Program this year!

Here’s to another successful year with our outstanding Ambassadors!


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