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Durći Chocolate Ribbon Cutting

Our new members at Durci Chocolate hosted a Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening on November 14.

Founded by Cassandra Durtschi and Dr. Eric Durtschi — a visionary chocolatier, Durći Chocolate has become a leader in the world of artisan chocolate-making and education. Durći Chocolate is dedicated to sustainability and ethical sourcing. For nearly 15 years, Dr. Durtschi has worked closely with farmers to teach them superior cacao processing techniques, empowering them to produce some of the finest beans available while earning a premium for their hard work. With a reputation as pioneers in the artisan chocolate movement, the Durtschi family is dedicated to sharing their knowledge and helping to elevate the entire chocolate industry.

Now based in Wilson County, Durći Chocolate has made our community their home, and we couldn’t be more excited to support their continued success. We encourage everyone to visit their facility, sample their exquisite creations, and learn more about the art of chocolate-making from a true expert.

Durći Chocolate is located at 1221 South Hartmann Dr, Lebanon, TN, 37087

Pictured with owners Dr. Eric Durtschi and Cassandra Durtschi are friends, family and supporters. Lebanon Wilson County Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Melanie Minter, Chamber Ambassadors & representatives are also pictured.

Ribbon Cuttings are sponsored by Edward Jones-Financial Advisor: Lyn Williams


Edward Jones Investments, Lebanon Wilson Chamber of Commerce, LebChamber100, Member Visits, Ribbon Cutting, Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

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